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Investor and Mentor

Ladislav Chodák

Over 30 years, I have been involved in technology startups. The process of getting from an idea to a commercial product is the best part of business for me. When everyone is motivated by a desire for success, and always looking for a solution and not just for his or hers personal gain. I will never get tired of this experience.

Ladislav is an investor, entrepreneur, manager and organizer. Since 1990, he has founded or actively participated in the development of more than thirty companies operating in the IT sector, engineering and construction (e.g. Unis, Agora, Flowmon Networks, Mycroft Mind, Fayn Telecommunication, Massag, Moravia Stamping, Tusculum).

Since 2010, his primary focus has shifted to the development and mentoring of companies, investments in technology start-ups and other development projects. He is also the chairman of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Brno, a member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University, and a member of the Council for Cooperation with Industry at Masaryk and Mendel universities.

At Namitech, Ladislav connects the business and academic spheres on a global level and is one of the original investors.